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Cosmetic Injectables

Anti Wrinkle Treatment

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Anti-Wrinkle Injections - Melbourne

At Injectable Institute Melbourne, we use anti-wrinkle injections at our clinic in South Melbourne (just minutes from the Melbourne CBD) to fight wrinkles and fine lines for good. By targeting and temporarily paralysing the muscles in your face that create lines and furrows, anti-wrinkle treatments help you maintain smooth, youthful skin at all times with long-lasting results.

These injections are a quick, effective and non-invasive way to fight signs of aging without putting your safety at risk or going under the knife, and are often used in combination with dermal fillers or thread lifts. Millions of patients seek treatments every year, and we’re proud to be providing anti-wrinkle injections to our patients in and around the Melbourne CBD.

Facial Fillers South Melbourne

Forehead Lines

Bunny Lines

Dimpled Chin

Frown Lines

Eyebrows Lift

Crow's Feet

Marionette lines

Gummy smile

Smile Lift

Frown Lines

Anti-Wrinkle Injections Can Be Used to Target the Following Areas:

Running horizontally across the forehead, forehead lines are one of the most obvious signs of ageing.



Crow’s feet are the small wrinkles that form around the outer corners of our eyes, also known as laugh lines.



Frown lines form in between the eyebrows and as they deepen can make them look furrowed at all times.



Lip lines are vertical lines that deepen over time and appear around the mouth.


While lip lines are small and only moderately deep, marionette lines are deep and appear around the corners of the mouth, mimicking the appearance of a marionette doll.


Caused by factors such as large gum tissue and excessive teeth growth, gummy lines can be eradicated thanks to cosmetic injectables.


Our specialists know just how to inject anti-wrinkle treatments so that they relax the brow and leave it in a lifted position.



Bunny lines are crinkles that appear on the nose when you smile or laugh.



Dimpled chins appear when you close your mouth or frown and appear as small but deep dots that worsen over time.



As we age, the sides of our mouths can start to sag downwards, making it appear as if you’re permanently angry or unhappy.



Anti Wrinkle Pricing

1 area
$ 99 from
2 area
$ 159 from
3 area
$ 239 from

Are Anti-Wrinkle Injections Right for Me?

Anti-wrinkle injections are suitable for almost all patients and can help instantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines for up to 6 months. Our doctors know how to ensure effective results that don’t look unnatural or overdone, avoiding unwanted drastic changes to your appearance.

If you suffer from any medical conditions such as damaged nerves or any muscular conditions, let your doctor know in your initial consultation so that we can avoid any complications.

What to Expect?

Anti-wrinkle treatments are quick and non-invasive, and you won’t need any downtime following your appointment. However, with all injectable treatments such as cheek fillers, nose fillers and chin fillers, you might experience some swelling or bruising in the days following.

Before & After

Dermal Fillers

Anti Wrinkle Injections Melbourne CBDAnti Wrinkle Injections South Melbourne